OK. I'd like to set some ground rules and do a Janet by disciplining some motherfuckers. Whilst reading that Danity Kane thread, things just went from blatantly childish to outright ridiculous.
First off. The post was about Danity Kane so I didn't appreciate the many Pussycat Doll essays that were cut n pasted here. In the future, please stick to the subject. I don't mind a healthy dispute every now and then but make sure it's about the topic at hand.
Secondly, MULTIPLE PERSONALITIES won't be tolerated and few folks are still doing it. As to why I do not know, but you make yourself look like a coward when you choose not to post stuff under your regular username. I have already banned many folks for doing this as well as imitating others. I told you once but I won't be telling you twice.
Lastly, I'd appreciate it if folks didn't post news in the comments section because it draws attention away from the actual topic. If the news is related to the post then that's okay but posting things not related to the topic is random and totally irrelevant. If you have something (R&B-related), email me instead. Or you can even use the shoutbox because at least you won't be disrupting the posts.
Other than that, you're free to insult each other, give each other a cyber dick-whipping and whatever else. I'm pro-freedom of speech for the most part.