The track Thirty comprises of a flirtatious edge and has a great catchy beat. It's seductive and has sexy vocals and lyrics to match. Yes, by all means, we know Cassie lacks vocal prowess but the airy texture reflected throughout definitely works on a track like this one. I love the sounds of the electronic keyboard which is used at the very start of the song and during the hook. The uptempo track is undeniably hot and has summer jam written all over it. Most importantly, it has the hooks and the pop/R&B arrangement for it to become yet another hit.
TeenHollywood: What is your song called "Thirsty" about?Looks like I might love her album especially since the Janet album and The Velvet Rope are my favourite Janet albums EVER.
Cassie: That was one of the first songs I recorded last year with Eric Hudson and Cory Williams wrote it. Kanye told me that it's slang in Chicago. "That guy's thirsty". I wanted to go for a sound kind of like old-school Janet when she was on Janet self-titled and 'Velvet Rope'; a feel like that.