HOT HOT HOT! Can't no one tell me Solange hasn't grown into a beautiful young woman over the years. You've got to admit she's come an awfully long way compared to how she looked in the earlier years. Yeah, I gasped as well, but hey, that's the proof right there. Granted, Beyonce will always be the more beautiful sibling BUT Solange is getting there. The video for lead single I Decided was shot this week Tuesday, and here's the press release that was sent out for it: The video for 'I Decided,' directed by the creative Melina, will offer the viewer a glimpse of who Solange, the visionary, really is: It is the ultimate pop art piece. Its psychedelic, it's adventurous, it's colorful and not so colorful, it’s intelligent, and it’s the inner makings of Solange. [Solange states,] "I love pop art; in fact I am a painter myself and have several pieces under my belt that I haven't put on display but soon plan to." The "I Decided" video deals with pop culture from the 60s to the future. It displays SoL-AngeL in settings from American Bandstand, to the Civil Rights Movement, to New Wave, and finally a "Cosmic Journey" future. That's good and all. I respect her for not hopping on trends. She is wisely separating herself and being different because every single R&B chick is queuing up to work with the same producers. So everything is sounding the same and generic these days. Solo is taking it to a whole new level, musically and that's totally refreshing. However, I still can't forget that she has Beyonce's Upgrade U and Get Me Bodied in her songwriting catalogue of, um, art?