For the first time in BET history, Madonna appeared on BET's '106 & Park' to promote her latest album Hard Candy, yesterday. As Madonna is one of Pop's biggest musical icons in the world, the hosts Terence and Rosci were salivating like two monkey's salivating over a banana. The ass-kissing was OVERWHELMING least to say. Check out the cringe-worthy interview:
What shocked me is when they played Madonna's RAY OF LIGHT, one of her least urban-sounding songs. I am thinking huh? They've never ever never ever never never never EVER played Ray of Light before. They could have at least played a track from Bedtime Stories. Or they could have written in the cue: "Your 1994 album Bedtime Stories is one of your most R&B-sounding albums so which video from that album would you like us to play?" (as to not destroy the true values of what BET is truly all about, but because it's Madonna, values were thrown out the window that day just to compensate music royalty). Also, the questions were stupid. For example, when they asked her which Hip-Hop groups she would sign, she was BLATANTLY thrown off by the question and had a lost facial expression as if she was Alice in Wonderland. After putting some thought into it, she names three of the most commercial-selling rappers that she could think of - Eminem, Jay-Z and 50 Cent, showing us how much she truly knows about Hip Hop. In fact, those are the THREE rappers my GRANDMOTHER would list as well. Also, you could tell that the producers were backstage egging on the audience to cheer and applause at EVERY answer she gave. For example, if she named a celeb, it was always cheers and applause. When I was at college studying Media back in 99, they took us on a trip to the MTV studio's in Camden, London. We were sitting in the audience as Jennifer Lopez got interviewed, and at certain points, whenever Jen would answer a question, the producer would raise his hand at us urging us to clap, LOL! And then he'd cross his arms, waving them left and right to tell us when to stop clapping. I just sat there thinking, look at this. But with this Madonna interview, it was just obvious. The audience reaction was just forced. Will Smith, one of America's biggest BLACK stars in Hollywood doesn't get this type of treatment. It was just REALLY sad. I am sure BET have lost a lot of respect due to this cringe-worthy debacle.