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I look at today's record industry like the trappings of a loan shark to being in debt. You get a budget but the record label is hoping that all funds will be recouped back in record sales. It's like taking a gamble really on both accounts. A gamble has already been taken the day you get signed, and then, when you're given a budget, you have to gamble with certain decisions you make to ensure that it's used wisely (the producers you pick, costumes, etc).

However, if that mission fails miserably, you get dropped and fade away and never become heard of again. In fact, it's not all sugar and candy being a pop star. You're no different to being a sales person knocking on somone's door trying to sell something. You really need to have marketability prowess in your skill to sell a product. You really need to know how to sell yourself as a sales person, or, you just won't sell and you'll lose your job. Some people have the gift of the gab and others don't. Take Rihanna for instance. Not the greatest of singers; I can admit that. But her beauty and cleverly marketed image and well-packaged pop songs have taken her far, and her promo has been groundbreaking. However, when the record label doesn't put much effort into your promotion, well, what was the point? And that's been exactly the case with poor Tiffany Evans who only sold 4,700 copies of her debut album last week placing her at #134 on the Billboard 200. It didn't matter that the 15-year-old is much talented than her peers and that her album was stellar with some of the tightest producers in the game. Lack of promotion played a big factor why the album did triple toilet water. Estelle's album 'Shine' did get some promotion in the US. She's done interviews and appeared on a couple of high-profile TV shows, but I guess the Americans didn't see the appeal as she only pushed 14,000 copies this week and is now certified double plastic. Lil Mama did slightly better but also had crap sales only managing to shift 19,000 copies, now certified as aluminum. So the question is, why aren't they selling and who's really to blame?

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