Is this the best Britney has looked in two years? I say hell yeah. The chick is trying. I think she looks fab. Though, her stylist could have done a much better job of blending in her real hair with the weave as you can see where her real hair stops. That shouldn't be the case at all because it defies ALL purpose of rocking a weave, or in white talk, extensions, lol. For someone who decided to stop fighting for custody of her two young sons, she seems relaxed and at ease with herself. I know that couldn't be easy but I know she loves her kids and only did it because she thinks they'll have a better life. On a positive note, at least she is set to get extended visitation rights. After tackling mental illness and losing full custody of her kids, Britney is also putting her career into touch and is recording a brand new album which has no tentative release date. Good to see Britters taking full control of her life and finally getting on the road to full recovery.