Confessions sold over a million in first week sales in 2004 and there was more than a 50% drop with his sales for Here I Stand, so realistically speaking, Here I Stand is a conventional flop. It also didn't help that Usher turned off a lot of people when he sacked his mother for his current wife Tameka (who most people dislike because of her temper tantrums and diva attitude). He also angered many of his fans when he turned against his biggest fansite by threatening the owner with legal proceedings to get the site shut down - all because the owner didn't approve of Tameka. So I feel all of this was what contributed to the album's downfall but the biggest one of all is that Here I Stand is his worst album to date. And many of his fans are into Chris Brown now, who is by far a better performer and MUCH more attractive as well. I know his ass is WISHING he didn't sack his mom and he DID sack his mom. It's only RETIREMENT when that person themselves chooses to retire. There is no such thing as retiring someone. Another one bites the dust.