It's pretty funny hearing Chris Brown crooning the words "I'm a nasty girl", on a new track called 'Nasty Girl'. But don't worry, Chris isn't trying to get his tranny-on. It is actually a demo for the new Pussycat Dolls' forthcoming album 'Doll Domination' (Sept 23rd).
As to whether the song will make the final cut of the new Pussycat Doll album is not yet known. It's definitely for the Pussycat Doll's because Chris mentions them in the song several times. Chris may not be a very talented singer but he's making a paper-load in songwriting and producing. Anyone who can make a massive hit through that side of music IS very talented in my opinion, even IF the song is crap. I know Chris will probably be pissed that this song has leaked just as he was pissed that 'Electric Guitar' leaked as well. He says it was suppose to be a duet with him and girlfriend Rihanna for his forthcoming album which will be released next year. As a result, his record label Jive took action towards the leaks.
Creating hit records is not as easy as it seems. I say this because the final outcome is down to the artist and whether they have the uniqueness and driving force to make that song come alive. I keep hearing that Mary J Blige and Britney Spears was first given 'Umbrella' before it reached Rihanna but in all honesty, I don't think the song would be a phenomenal worldwide smash if Mary ended up releasing it. Rihanna's unique tone and swagger to the song is what made it a hit. I mean who else can add an extra syllable to the word 'Umbrella' and have that shit ride in style for a WHOLE ENTIRE SUMMER? Rihanna even broke records with it.
As for Chris, he's only doing what needs to be done to get ahead and to remain secure financially, which allegedly can't be said about his girlfriend Rihanna. Her latest hit 'Disturbia' may be rubbish but it's a certified smash, all thanks to Chris. As for this demo, there's too much auto tune on the vocals but put that aside, and the bitch is catchy. *UPDATE* Another demo Chris recorded for PCD is called 'Captive', which is waaay better (and hotter) than this vocoded mess. I just can't get with it since Chris is singing it in a female perspective. He couldn't have gotten Rihanna to sing it at least? Anyway, check out both demo's after the fold.