Crack certainly is one hell of a drug. The fan was certainly getting down on stage much to the delight of the audience who appeared to be enjoying the farce. When security tried to get him off the stage, Solange told them to leave his ass alone because he wasn't harming anyone. She even danced with him throughout the remainder of the performance. Now you know if that was Beyonce, she'd be ringing the alarm and the poor guy would haven been roughed up and taken off stage by the scruff of his neck with the quickness. Then again she better than my ass because he would not have sabotaged my set for that amount of time or any time for that matter. You just can't take any chances with some of the fans. You don't know if they've come on to attack you or just to get close to you or whatever. But this just made Solange every bit more cooler in my book. At the event Solange also performed T.O.N.Y from her forthcoming album 'Sol-Angel & The Hadley Street Dreams' (August 19th), which is my favourite Solange song to leak from the project. She also did an interview. You can check those out after the jump.