The video which was directed by Ray Kay and produced by the SoulDiggaz sees Diddy's jump-off Cassie at the very beginning, even if it's just a quick glance. Diddy sure is pimping the hell out of this chick but is she really worth it? Things get desperate when you pimp a non-buzz artist at the expense of yet ANOTHER non-buzz artist. Non-buzz as in no one is checkin' for your records. As for the song, I think it's pretty mediocre and sounds like a cheesy FutureSex/LoveSounds reject, which is what they're going for since they're marketing him as another JT clone. I didn't think much of the video either - booze, sex and women - predictable. And why did Diddy get more air time than the actual artist when he only got one verse? No, don't even answer that.