So now that she'll be doing shows and strenuous promotion to support the album, there's no reason why there should be any more delays prior to Oct 7th. I personally think August was a perfect time to release the record due to it's Summer vibe. It's not the type of album that would suit the winter blues. I have to say, Columbia really messed up on that one. Furthermore, the album version of 'Stop This Car' has leaked in full today. I told you we'll have the whole album before the end of the month. What a lowdown dirty shame. The singer also did an interview with THAT GRAPEJUICE where she stated that there will be no Destiny's Child reunion and that Destiny's Child are over for GOOD! Damn. Guess Kelly will be crying herself a river over that one. I could have sworn Kelly said LAST MONTH that they may reform next year. Unless, she had imaginery convo's in her head because according to Michelle, she wasn't a part of that discussion, and you know, for that type of thing to prop up, somebody must have held some talks about it somewhere. Anywayz, you can read the whole interview HERE.
Another former Destiny's Child singer was spotted over the weekend. Yup, your favourite singer Beyonce was spotted after having dinner with husband Jay-Z at BLT Prime in NYC:
Looking good. I am feeling her whole get-up. I won't even comment on those T-Pain rumours. Let's just hope it's not true.
Fantasia was seen at Tongue 'n' Groove in Atlanta last night:
I have no words whatsoever. Mama always said if you don't got nuttin nice to say don't say nuttin at all, lol.