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It appears Kelly Rowland has bagged herself some vanilla. The former Destiny's Child singer was snapped by the British paparazzi departing Dolce night club in London with her new squeeze last week:

Word on the E-Street is that this IS in deed her new man. His name has yet to be revealed but what I can say of him is that he's a Jewish doctor/OB/GYN from Houston. He delivered the baby of her best pal and apparently that's how they met. He's no Jensen Ackles/Paul Walker (the only two white guys that do it for me right now) but looks don't even matter any more. He sure looks hell of a lot better than rap's favourite camel Jay-Z though. As long as he's treating her good. More importantly is that he has career prospects. Something Britney Spears should have taken into consideration before getting knocked up by a dude with a pregnant baby mama and no job and is now paying the price for it. So kudos to Kelly. That said, is Kelly's new man hot or not?

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