So yesterday was a really slow news day for the blog. And it looks like today is going to be yet another slowie. I can't really see any more new music leaking for the next couple of weeks and we've already had our fair share of "fake" songs. Sucks. Of course I'll try to make things as interesting as possible around these parts. Cassie's first single 'Official Girl' got off to a really slow start in the beginning. I did say that the song was too bland to get major spins. It certainly lacked the oomph that was prevalent in 'Me & U'.
With all the heavy rumours about the "singer" and her Bad Boy CEO having a steamy relationship, I guess they'd hoped for the song and it's convenient 'concept' to take off explosively. It hasn't unfortunately. So they have million-first-week seller Lil Wayne spit some verses on the track. The remix version is also what they're using for her video which will premiere next week Tuesday on Yahoo! Music.