There is also going to be an official launch for the new album, set to take place via 'The Oprah Winfrey Show' on November 10th, the day before the anticipated project hits stores. I'm taking it, she'll use the slot to talk about the trauma of her 2006 car crash which ended up killing another woman. And Brandy can't wait to get stuck in with the release. She tells MTV:
"It feels so great to be back on the scene. I went through a struggle, and I really needed to get myself together and connect with my purpose, which is music. Music is all I know how to do, so to be on this set today, I feel really blessed for the second chance and for the opportunity ... and for everybody here just showing me so much love and support. It just feels good to be back, and I never want to leave again for that long!"I think many of her fans will be glad to see Brandy back on the scene as reigning R&B Queen. Music has been sucking real bad as of late. And I want an album to totally overwhelm me this year, and if anyone can do it, Brandy can.