A couple of weeks ago, First & Love leaked in snippet form. I posted the snippet a month ago but it has since been pulled off YT. I didn't think much of the snippet at first but the whole song is blazing. I love the sound of the infectious drums in the chorus. My favourite part of the track is when she sings the following "He's right theeeere". Brandy's greatly distinctive vocal tone showcases her voice to be the unique instrument that it really is. Listening to it long enough can cause you to encounter your first ever rhythmic orgasm….maybe? And for the odd stan? A procession of creaming your pants. You can smile at that but I'm deadly serious. The vocal layering alone is just sickly fierce and can add so much to the song, even as much as make the song.
Well after listening to First & Love, I didn't think Brandy could impress me anymore than she already has. Throw It All Away is more than blazing. It's PURE hotness; so hot it is that it can set the mp3 player on fire. Your ears burning up because of the hotness. The beat is just toxic. It has that old-skool beat. And I like how she's not selling herself out too much to jump on the trend.
Porcelain Doll is not as ear-engaging as First & Love and Throw It All Away but it sounds like a typical Timbaland/Danja production especially with the skittering effects that's prevalent in songs such as My Love (Justin Timberlake) and a bunch of others. If this is what's to come from Brandy's new album 'Human', I'm hyped. But they need to keep this project underwaps and not let it unfold into another Michelle Williams debacle.